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Travellers who - in the last 10 days - have stayed in an area of variant of concern are subject to a pre-departure negative PCR test taken within 72 hoursprior to arrival (or a rapid antigen test taken within 24 hours prior to arrival) and must self-isolate for 14 days after arrival. Kostenloser online Deutschkurs A1.1. Lade gratis Online-Deutschubungen herunter. Alle Vokabeln des Deutschlehrmittels Hallo A1.1 als App. Kostenloses Aussprachetraining Deutsch. Deutsche Grammatik anhand von Filmen erklart. quarantine and furnishing proof, it is neces-sary to restrict the transport of persons from the countries classified as areas of variants of concern into the Federal Republic of Germany to protect the population of the Federal Re-public of Germany and limit the introduction and rapid spread of dangerous virus Deutsch C1 - C2 | Fortgeschritten. Das Leben ist schon! Rapid Alltrac 1750 4, 1974. godiste, Sakljupljaci sena (grablje), Blace. Cena 4.900 € - Prikljucne masine - Polovni Automobili. Rapid Alltrac 1750 4 1974. godiste. Ucitavanje slika 1/5. Volltext automatisch umschreiben. Text in neu schreiben Deutsche. Umschreiben Bedienungsanleitung.
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